Help us keep CVSOM affordable for the next generation of church leaders, missionaries, and ministers

Central Valley School of Ministry is a true partnership, of the Church, for the Church.

The driving purpose of CVSOM is to partner with local churches to develop Kingdom leaders. It continues and grows through Kingdom partnerships with Individuals, churches, and organizations who value that purpose.

In the pages below you'll find multiple ways to invest in CVSOM, as well as detailed plans of how we will sustain and grow CVSOM through those investments. It is a privilege to share what God is doing through this school with you. As you explore these pages we hope you see God's heart for His people, the Church, and how together, we can help raise up those who will lead it.

If you have any questions along the way we invite you to contact us through the form at the bottom of this page and one of our Pastors or Administrators will respond to you promptly.

Do you have questions about CVSOM?

We would love to talk with you about the school and answer any questions you have. Share with us your preferred contact information and one of our Pastors or Administrators will respond personally.