The fearless and consistent examination of what we do is how we grow.

Evaluation Criteria & Frequency

Class Evaluation

One of the advantages of hosting one class at a time is the ability to evaluate each class individually each week. We are looking for the following:

  • Teacher Engagement
  • Student Interaction and Involvement
  • Discussion Levels
  • Material Presentation
  • Clarity of Communication
  • Quality of Content

Trimester Evaluation

The Staff and Advisory Board meet at the end of each Trimester to discuss and evaluate the following:

  • The Classes
  • The Teachers
  • The Ministry Mentoring program
  • Overall Student Experience

These meetings serve as mid-stream adjustment points to address any issues that may arise.

Program Evaluation

Every June the entire program is evaluated at a meeting of the Staff, Advisory Board, Faculty, and Host Church Representative to discuss the following.

  • The Graduation Event and Process
  • Student Reviews and Comments
  • Teachers Feedback
  • Host Church Experience
  • School promotion in local churches

Onboarding New Practices, Programs, Processes

Not everything works well right away. Some things don't work at all. As people and circumstances change what use to work might not work now. To avoid the trap of mediocrity we have to be open to change....sometimes big change. The fact that the school exists at all is a testimony to the leadership being willing to make big (and difficult) changes. We are constantly onboarding new practices, adjusting our program, and tweaking our processes. This is typically how we go about it.


We gather information from within CVSOM about how the current practices are performing. If a new practice is being considered we gather whatever relevant information we can to assist us in the development process.

Discussion & Evalaution

Our leadership team consisting of the Administrator, Registrar, Advisory Board, and Host Church Representative will discuss the practice and evaluate its effectiveness (or projected effectiveness).

Adjustments & Measurment

Based on those conversations adjustments to practices or processes are made by the group and a way to measure effectiveness is established.

Implementation of "Best Practices"


The Admin, Registrar, and Faculty are the ones who implement our "Best Practices" with our Students, Ministry Mentors, local church leaders, sponsors, and donors. They are the ones who are responsible for clearly communicating our "Best Practices" to those whom they are meant to serve.


Best practices take time to take root. Often times people are resistant to change or the accountability that comes from measuring progress or effectiveness. We rely on our staff and faculty to consistently hold to our best practice even when they might need to be adjusted.

Evaluation and Re-evaluation

Our practices are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure we are not wasting time, money, or other precious resources like attention or engagement. Feedback from those impacted by the practice is one of the most helpful measurements of evaluation.


After we evaluate, changes are made to the practice and the process begins again.


There comes a time when a practice not only ceases to be the "Best practice" but is beyond our ability to adjust to make it so. When a practice is no longer effective and is beyond adjustment it must be retired, regardless of how much effort or resources went into creating or maintaining it.