Nonprofit Partners - Christ Centered Ministries that give monthly to CVSOM

What is Partnership?

Partnership is not simply working together; it is providing something both sides care about and do better together

The word "partnership" is derived from the Latin word for "portion." In partnership, we each share a portion of the burden. CVSOM together with the Ministry Internship in your Church, allows each of us to achieve a shared, mutually desired vision that cannot be reached by either of us alone. It creates a partnership and servant relationship for the purpose of raising up equipped Church leaders for Christ by working together. This kind of partnership produces visible transformation and outcomes. Through our commitment to one another, and in partnership, we fulfill God’s will to equip the saints for ministry and advance His kingdom.


Partners help, empower, and serve each other to enrich their shared ministry.

We partner with local churches because we desire to help equip the Church with Leaders to fulfill its role as salt and light in the world , and because the cry of local churches is the need to equip more leaders. Our desire is to train up church leaders within the context of a Ministry Internship in their own church while going through the School of Ministry. Most Pastors do not have the time to teach and train interns. This Partnership gives Pastors constant input during their Internship at church and their education at CVSOM.

Our definition of Partnership is based on three things:

  • A common mission of raising up and training new leaders from the local church for the local church.

This is our sole purpose for partnerships

  • A servant relationship with the Church.

CVSOM is not the Church. We exist to serve the Church and assist her in accomplishing her mission.

  • Shared reward.

When the Church grows and the Kingdom of God advances we all share in the blessing.

These three principles will guide us toward healthy, God-honoring partnerships.

Your faithful giving will change lives and advance the Kingdom of God by:

  • Involving the local church in mentoring and raising up men and women for ministry (2 Timothy 2:1-2)
  • Supporting a solid biblical church-based School of Ministry
  • Investing in the lives of the next generation of faithful shepherds and leaders.

Levels of Partnership

  • Nonprofit Partner - Nonprofits who value the school's impact on the community and are committed to supporting it monthly. The Nonprofit is listed as a Partner on our website and will receive updates on the school's progress and development along with our regular newsletter when your organization gives $25-$50 monthly or $300 - $600 per year.

  • Nonprofit Legacy Partner - In addition to Nonprofit Partner benefits, as a Legacy Partner you can offer 1 person in your organization a half scholarship each year your organization gives $100 per month or $1,200 per year.

  • Nonprofit Ministry Partner - In addition to Nonprofit Partner benefits, as a Ministry Partner you can offer 1 person in your organization a full scholarship or 2 people a ½ scholarship each year your organization gives $200 per month or $2,400 per year.

  • Nonprofit Kingdom Partner - In addition to Nonprofit Partner benefits, as a Kingdom Partner you can offer 3 people in your organization half scholarships or 1 person a full scholarship and 1 person a ½ scholarship each year your organization gives $300 or more per month or $3,600 or more per year.

  • Nonprofit Development Partner - Nonprofits who are committed to the school's continued development through capital investments in growth projects like program and curriculum expansion, technology implementation, satellite locations, pastor engagement, and language translation.

Start your Nonprofit Partnership here

We're looking forward to talking to you more about Partnership. Just fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.